I do - Tara & Ian {Biggs Wedding Photographer}

Monday, June 10, 2013

Last weekend I had the pleasure of photographing one of my sisters closest friends. My little assistant Olivia (my daughter) and I drove up to the Feather Falls Casino on friday night where we had our hotel room booked (yes, I know Bigg's is not very far but I needed to be at the bridal suite by 8am and it was a good excuse for some girl time and a mini vaca). It was pretty exciting to work alongside my sister who was appointed the wedding coordinator, we make a good team if I do say so myself! Tara and Ian had a very intimate wedding at the Victorian Rose in Bigg's with all of the people that mean the most to them. It was a very special day and I am so glad I was able to be a part of it!


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